Through April 22, we are offering early bird pricing ($455 single occupancy, $555 double occupancy) for our Relaxation Retreat being held October 22-24, 2021 at Blue Sky Retreat Center in Taos, New Mexico. We have 9 spaces left. During this retreat, we will practice restorative and vinyasa yoga, enjoy guided meditation, share healthy nourishing meals, and take time out to relax, create, and just be. Together, we’ll nourish our bodies with healthy plant based meals, herbal teas, yoga, and optional hiking in the nearby high dessert. And, we’ll nourish our minds and spirits with guided meditation, sharing circles, and unplugging from the busy-ness of the world. There will be a nice balance of learning, movement, creating, and quiet time. For more details about the retreat or to register, please click here.